Our Vision
Abstract: The a2ru Arts& initiative promotes creativity and innovation through interdisciplinary collaboration, arts integration, and the presence of the arts in research. Through a series of creative “salons,” students from all disciplines will come together to create meaningful and unique experiences, innovations and/or solutions to community or campus issues.
About: In order to emphasize the importance of the arts as a form of research and promote arts-centered interdisciplinary collaboration, the “Arts&” Initiative will create an opportunity for students from all disciplines to unite ideas for the production of creative and unique experiences, solutions and/or innovations. Arts& begins with a series of creative “salons” designed to inspire creativity and unification among a diverse group of students. Loosely based around the Parisian salons of the 17th and 18th century, creative salons serve as a social venue where people gather to discuss social issues and compelling ideas.
With each salon centered on a unique theme, the Arts& salons could begin with student performances, live visual artists, poetry readings, music performances, interpretive dance, words of inspiration from speakers, or other creative demonstrations. Designed to foster discussion around a larger social issue or compelling idea, creative performances or demonstrations lead to a group dialogue focused on building interdisciplinary teams of creative problem solvers interested in advancing solutions for identified community or campus problems through the “Arts& Process.”
The “Arts& Process” serves as a road map for developing interdisciplinary partnerships and collaborations designed to advance solutions for social and community issues. The “Arts& Process” allows for the development of pilot projects, curriculum, community engagement programs, and sustainability initiatives meant to address identified challenges and opportunities on campus and within communities.
Project results will be published through the a2ru Arts& website and a2ru’s knowledge base. Studies that result from these experiences will inform Arts& leaders of how to approach interdisciplinary arts-centered collaboration in the future. The Arts& initiative will provide opportunities for students to learn, grow, gain team-building, and resume-building experiences.

To expand the arts as a form of research
To promote interdisciplinary problem-solving centered around creative thinking and making a difference in the community
To form a space and opportunity for students to collaborate, communicate, experiment, discover, and innovate, while becoming enriched with new perspectives and ideas
Reference: “Why Arts Education?” MPS Arts. Accessed May 25, 2016. http://mpsarts.org/whyarts